
Is Your Cable Box the New Landline?

There's been a lot of TV buzz going on in the tech world, from Apple TV to the demise of Blockbuster. It had me thinking about how I consume TV and what I actually must watch - the newest episode of True Blood is a must, the latest episode of Pawn Stars is a nice-to-have. Having recently acquired an iPad I've found myself watching a lot more on YouTube in terms of online video but still haven't made Hulu a regular habit. Although I suspect it's coming.I also suspect that we'll be severing our ties to our cable box soon. Mortgage and cell phones aside, cable is our next highest bill in our house so it will actually be a relief to cut the cord. I just hooked up our Wii to Netflix and with instant movies and access to TV shows, I am just that much closer to getting rid of cable. Plus, there's something depressing about having 600 channels and still finding nothing to watch. Not to complain, but there are now five different versions of each of my movie channels but yet I feel the movie selection has gotten worse.

Going the Netflix route there is no need to DVR because everything is instant.  We can also get rid of the DVD player and I can delay visiting my mailbox longer as Netflix DVDs were pretty much the one thing I looked forward to the mailman bringing. Well that and letters from grandma. Think you'll make the jump?