When thinking about Facebook and Twitter the two audiences tend to be quite different. At least they are for me.Facebook is a group of people I've collected throughout the years - from a kindergarten friend to a woman I met at a dinner club last week. We are connected because of life experiences not necessarily interests. There are a few brands spread among my friend list but for the most part that's because I have an emotional connection to them - I almost think of them as a buddy.
Twitter is a group of people who share a similar interest. For me, my Twitter list consists of technology/ social media experts and resources and Louisville businesses, media outlets and organizations. There are a few folks on Twitter that I'm friends with on Facebook but the crossover is pretty slim.
My Twitter followers help keep me "in the know." My Facebook friends help support me on an emotional level - whether that is liking my wedding photos or giving words of encouragement when I've had a not so good day.
As business owners of a FB page or Twitter account think about how you can fulfill these roles for your followers. How can you make your Twitter followers smarter - what tidbits can you give them? (Someone on Twitter is almost 3 times as likely to follow a brand than the average social network user by the way). When it comes to Facebook, how can you act as a friend - ask for support and feedback, share good news, and make sure your status updates have a human quality to them?
Next time you are switching back and forth between those two networks, think about how you behave differently and who you follow. Some Friday food for thought.